



Most importantly, we would like to wish all of our patients a happy 2023. Whilst it feels like this may be a challenging year we look forward to working with you to get through it and thank you for your ongoing support. We would like to thank everybody for the Christmas cards and gifts, which were greatly appreciated by our team.


Extreme Winter Pressures: 

As you will all be aware, the NHS has been experiencing significant demand over the past few months. We are no exception. A number of GP practices locally are on red alert already, meaning they make all patients call 111 for an appointment. This has been caused by a combination of rising levels of respiratory infections (including Covid, influenza, and RSV). We also have a large number of patients on long hospital waiting lists who need extra care from us whilst they’re waiting. The recent strikes haven’t helped any of this. We appreciate these pressures can result in delays and frustrations for patients, particularly on the phone lines and we are doing our best to address these. We thank you for your patience and support at this difficult time.


1. Dr Kyan Zarbalian: our new Salaried GP (from Trainee) 

2. New GP: Emma Thorncroft 

3. Amy Salter: joining our Medical Secretary team from January 2023 

4. We are sure many of you would like to join us in wishing our secretary Carol Davies well as she leaves EMG for new adventures. She will be much missed. 

Flu/Covid vaccines Spring 2023: 

We have had a very successful year of vaccinating for both Covid and Flu. We would like to thank our wonderful team of volunteers and staff, who have supported us throughout this programme. We couldn’t have done it without you. 

We have a covid clinic at Long Hanborough on the 6 th of January 08.30 till 12.30pm. This can be booked using the NHS app or you may email the Vaccine team on bobicbox.emg.vaccine.enquiries@nhs.net

We have no further Flu or Covid clinics planned at present. Please do look out for information either on our website or our Facebook page or in our Practices. If you are over 65 years of age and still require a Flu vaccine, then please email bobicbox.emg.vaccine.enquiries@nhs.net or let reception know and they can book you a vaccine during the Nurses clinics. Unfortunately, we have exhausted our supply of Flu vaccine under 65 years of age. 

We would like to thank our wonderful team of volunteers, who have supported us throughout this programme. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Automatic access to online patient records: 

Many of you will be aware that from November 2022 it had been planned to automatically grant online access to everybody’s medical records, including consultation details. However national guidance from a number of GP organisations have raised concerns about data protection and ownership and safeguarding information about vulnerable people. Therefore, this rollout has currently been paused whilst further negotiations take place. We will keep you updated when we have any further details. 

Cost of Living support:

We recognize that this is a very difficult time for many people. We can offer foodbank referral vouchers and our social prescriber, Cate Duburiatte can help advise about other sources of support. You can self-refer to her by emailing your name, GP practice, and a brief outline of your issue to nwprimarycarewellbeing@oxfordshire mind.org.uk 


At EMG we believe in continuity and research shows this improves patients ’ health. When a patient registers with us they are assigned a ‘usual GP ’who will deal with any issues for them. You can find out who your usual GP is or request a change by submitting an econsult or contacting reception if this is not possible. 


 Our patients ’views matter to us and we recognise we are lucky to have patients with invaluable skills. If you would like to get more involved in our work (virtually or in-person) please email print@associatedagencies.co.uk



Dr Neil Rust: Mon, Tues, Thur 

Dr Philippa Jackson: Mon, Tues, Thur 

Dr Jessica Harris: Mon, Wed, Thur 

Dr Ian Binnian: Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri 


Dr Lorenz Kemper: Mon, Thur, Fri 

Dr Amar Latif: Mon, Wed, Thur 

Dr Alexa Zhao: Tues, Wed, Thur 

Dr Emma Ladds: Mon, Thur 


Dr Emma Thorncroft Tues, Wed, Fri 

Dr Melissa Holden Tues, Wed, Thur, Fri 

Dr Ram Kumar Tues, Wed, Fri 



Dr Nevila Ledwidge Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri 

Dr Emily Aries Mon, Tues, Thur 

Dr Kyan Zarbalian Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 

Dr Alice Neffendorf Mon, Wed, Fri 


Dr Lauren Edwards Mon, Fri 



Dr Paul Thomas Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 

Dr Jasmine Arnold Mon, Wed, Thur, Fri 


Janice Williams 

Joanne Johnson 

Leanda Rankin 

Jane Berry 

Manjinder Sidhu 



Sandra Syphas 

Kerry Smith 

Sue Jux 

Krystie Batchelor 

Anne Secker 

Jacqui Chok (Trainee Nursing Associate) 


Sarah Bright 



John Goodall 

Amy Hodge 


Tracy Girvan Practice Manager 

Naomi Roberts Deputy Practice Manager 

Kate Rudman Appointments Manager 



Christine Foakes Vaccine Coordinator & Management Assistant 

Chloe Appleton PCA Manager 

Sara Barrett Dispensary Manager 

Leanda Rankin Nursing Team Lead

We also have a team of invaluable other staff including Patient Care Advisors, Secretaries, Dispensers, Administrators, and others who support our clinical work.