
Patient News

4 Sep, 2024
Our Autumn Covid and Flu Vaccinations will be starting in October

As advised by the Government our Autumn Covid and Flu Vaccinations will be starting In October this year, somewhat later than in previous years. We will be sending invitations to eligible patients from mid-September.

Mobile numbers and email addresses are extremely helpful in communicating with all our patients. If you think we might not have your details, please update us using the link below.


As advised by the Government our Autumn Covid and Flu Vaccinations will be starting In October this year, somewhat later than in previous years. We will be sending invitations to eligible patients from mid-September.

Mobile numbers and email addresses are extremely helpful in communicating with all our patients. If you think we might not have your details, please update us using the link below.



You may have heard GPs are taking part in collective action. This is not the same as industrial action (a strike). WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.

We value our patients. We know that most patients value us too. We are taking action to protect services for our patients show the government how much it means to us to provide high quality, accessible, and relational care.

General Practice is collapsing. Every practice across England is struggling to keep its doors open.

Your GP is an expert in general medical practice – trained over 10 years to deal with complex problems, spot serious symptoms, and decide when you need specialist help at the hospital.

Did you know that this practice receives less than the price of an apple a day to look after each patient - whatever their needs. That’s less than the cost of an annual TV licence. This must pay for everything – staff, doctors, business costs.

We believe general practice deserves a bigger slice of NHS funding so we can train and hire more GPs, deliver the services you require and make it easier for you and your loved ones to get appointments to see your GP and the EMG practice team.

GPs want the same things that you do. We believe nobody should struggle to see their family doctor.

We believe General Practice should be as it was – a family doctor who knows you, offering continuity of care in a surgery full of friendly, familiar faces where you know you will get the care you and your family need. 

We strive to provide this kind of care at EMG and would love your support as we campaign to continue to be able to do so.


  • Please write to your local MP asking them to campaign to increase the amount of funding General Practice receives. 
  • Please join our Patient Participation Group to make your voice heard and contribute to our practice activities. Email: print@associatedagencies.co.uk
  • If you need medical assistance from EMG, please do submit a consultation form using the NHS App whenever possible – this allows us to keep our phonelines accessible for vulnerable patients. 
  • Please do use the NHS App whenever possible (https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/) to check results, see hospital letters, or view your medical record. 
  • Please do remember to allow our dispensary team 7 working days to process routine repeat prescriptions. 
  • Please allow two weeks for routine medications suggested in secondary care to be added automatically to your prescription. Any urgent medications will be given from secondary care directly. 
  • If you are on a waiting list for an investigation or referral, please contact the relevant department to enquire about it rather than EMG. If you are uncertain, the local Patient Advice and Liaison Service can help: PALS@ouh.nhs.uk (01865 221473)
  • If you are waiting for results from tests done in secondary care, please contact the relevant team if you haven’t heard about them in a timely manner, rather than EMG.
  • If you need assistance for a minor health issue please consider whether a pharmacy could help initially – they will always be happy to help when they can and will advise when they can’t. 

You may have heard GPs are taking part in collective action. This is not the same as industrial action (a strike). WE ARE HERE FOR YOU.

We value our patients. We know that most patients value us too. We are taking action to protect services for our patients show the government how much it means to us to provide high quality, accessible, and relational care.

General Practice is collapsing. Every practice across England is struggling to keep its doors open.

Your GP is an expert in general medical practice – trained over 10 years to deal with complex problems, spot serious symptoms, and decide when you need specialist help at the hospital.

Did you know that this practice receives less than the price of an apple a day to look after each patient - whatever their needs. That’s less than the cost of an annual TV licence. This must pay for everything – staff, doctors, business costs.

We believe general practice deserves a bigger slice of NHS funding so we can train and hire more GPs, deliver the services you require and make it easier for you and your loved ones to get appointments to see your GP and the EMG practice team.

GPs want the same things that you do. We believe nobody should struggle to see their family doctor.

We believe General Practice should be as it was – a family doctor who knows you, offering continuity of care in a surgery full of friendly, familiar faces where you know you will get the care you and your family need. 

We strive to provide this kind of care at EMG and would love your support as we campaign to continue to be able to do so.


  • Please write to your local MP asking them to campaign to increase the amount of funding General Practice receives. 
  • Please join our Patient Participation Group to make your voice heard and contribute to our practice activities. Email: print@associatedagencies.co.uk
  • If you need medical assistance from EMG, please do submit a consultation form using the NHS App whenever possible – this allows us to keep our phonelines accessible for vulnerable patients. 
  • Please do use the NHS App whenever possible (https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/) to check results, see hospital letters, or view your medical record. 
  • Please do remember to allow our dispensary team 7 working days to process routine repeat prescriptions. 
  • Please allow two weeks for routine medications suggested in secondary care to be added automatically to your prescription. Any urgent medications will be given from secondary care directly. 
  • If you are on a waiting list for an investigation or referral, please contact the relevant department to enquire about it rather than EMG. If you are uncertain, the local Patient Advice and Liaison Service can help: PALS@ouh.nhs.uk (01865 221473)
  • If you are waiting for results from tests done in secondary care, please contact the relevant team if you haven’t heard about them in a timely manner, rather than EMG.
  • If you need assistance for a minor health issue please consider whether a pharmacy could help initially – they will always be happy to help when they can and will advise when they can’t. 
13 Aug, 2024
15 May, 2024
Join Us for a Discussion on General Practice in a Digital World

Are you curious about the changes happening in general practice and how they affect you as a patient or a member of the public? The Remote by Default research team cordially invites you to a special webinar where we'll delve into the findings of our 2+ years of research to understand the impact of remote consulting on patients and healthcare providers. 

Date: May 22nd, 2024 

Time: 7:00 PM (BST) 

During this webinar, we'll explore: 

  • The benefits and challenges of digital and remote care
  • The changing routes to access care in GP surgeries
  • Strategies for making remote consulting safe and effective
  • How to get the most out of a remote consultation
  • The impact of remote care on the primary care workforce

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the impact of new ways of providing primary care, and have your questions answered by our expert panel. Together, let's shape a healthcare system that works for everyone. 

Register Now: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/bafad54b-547a-4ff1b12e-8deb7c61a9c6@cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91

Are you curious about the changes happening in general practice and how they affect you as a patient or a member of the public? The Remote by Default research team cordially invites you to a special webinar where we'll delve into the findings of our 2+ years of research to understand the impact of remote consulting on patients and healthcare providers. 

Date: May 22nd, 2024 

Time: 7:00 PM (BST) 

During this webinar, we'll explore: 

  • The benefits and challenges of digital and remote care
  • The changing routes to access care in GP surgeries
  • Strategies for making remote consulting safe and effective
  • How to get the most out of a remote consultation
  • The impact of remote care on the primary care workforce

Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the impact of new ways of providing primary care, and have your questions answered by our expert panel. Together, let's shape a healthcare system that works for everyone. 

Register Now: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/bafad54b-547a-4ff1b12e-8deb7c61a9c6@cc95de1b-97f5-4f93-b4ba-fe68b852cf91

No Smoking Day
14 Dec, 2023
The Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care group donations

The Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group is a charity that was established to support the provision of health care for our population. The trustees use donations to support service beyond the usual NHS provision. 

This has included funding delivery of medication to vulnerable people, and purchasing medical equipment to enhance the services that can be offered locally.

If you would like to make a donation to the charity here are the Bank details: PRACTICE CHARITY: Cash, cheque or BACS (cheques to: The Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group)
BACS transfer Account Number 07039247 Sort Code 558135 or please speak to one of our Patient Care Advisors

The Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group is a charity that was established to support the provision of health care for our population. The trustees use donations to support service beyond the usual NHS provision. 

This has included funding delivery of medication to vulnerable people, and purchasing medical equipment to enhance the services that can be offered locally.

If you would like to make a donation to the charity here are the Bank details: PRACTICE CHARITY: Cash, cheque or BACS (cheques to: The Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group)
BACS transfer Account Number 07039247 Sort Code 558135 or please speak to one of our Patient Care Advisors

Help for Hanborough - Hanborough Welfare Trust

Hanborough Welfare Trust (HWT) was set up many years ago to help those in need in the Parish. 

It only has a limited amount of funds, but requests are invited at this time by any who live in Hanborough and may consider themselves and their need appropriate. 

Please get in touch by emailing or telephoning:

Gill Breakspear on 01993 883914 | gillbreakspear@btinternet.com


Rev Nigel Knights Johnson on 01993 359572 | nigelknightsjohnson@gmail.com

Please see the entre poster here.

Hanborough Welfare Trust (HWT) was set up many years ago to help those in need in the Parish. 

It only has a limited amount of funds, but requests are invited at this time by any who live in Hanborough and may consider themselves and their need appropriate. 

Please get in touch by emailing or telephoning:

Gill Breakspear on 01993 883914 | gillbreakspear@btinternet.com


Rev Nigel Knights Johnson on 01993 359572 | nigelknightsjohnson@gmail.com

Please see the entre poster here.

17 Nov, 2023
31 Oct, 2023
New Trial

Eynsham Medical Group will be recruiting to a clinical trial to monitor episodes of flu-like symptoms over the 2023/24 flu season. 

Participants will take swabs and record flu-like symptoms through the season. 

If you are 65-year-old or over and interested in participating please email bobicb-ox.research.eynshammg@nhs.net or call 01865 881206 and ask to speak to research nurse Victoria Mills.

We are running the recruitment clinics on Tuesday 31st October and Tuesday 7th November. Participants health needs to be stable. Suitable mobile phones will be available from the trial team if needed. There is a modest payment for the inconvenience of trial visits and a travel. 

Many thanks for considering, Dr. Ian Binnian.

Eynsham Medical Group will be recruiting to a clinical trial to monitor episodes of flu-like symptoms over the 2023/24 flu season. 

Participants will take swabs and record flu-like symptoms through the season. 

If you are 65-year-old or over and interested in participating please email bobicb-ox.research.eynshammg@nhs.net or call 01865 881206 and ask to speak to research nurse Victoria Mills.

We are running the recruitment clinics on Tuesday 31st October and Tuesday 7th November. Participants health needs to be stable. Suitable mobile phones will be available from the trial team if needed. There is a modest payment for the inconvenience of trial visits and a travel. 

Many thanks for considering, Dr. Ian Binnian.

Training closure day

Surgery Closure notice

Eynsham Medical Centre and Long Hanborough Surgery, along with all other surgeries in the area, will be closing on the afternoon of 16th November 

This is to give protected time for training for all our staff.

Urgent care cover will be provided via the 111 service. 

The 111 operators will direct you to the correct medical service for your need. If your call is not urgent, please wait to call us the following morning on 17th November.

Hanborough Pharmacy will remain open as usual.

Surgery Closure notice

Eynsham Medical Centre and Long Hanborough Surgery, along with all other surgeries in the area, will be closing on the afternoon of 16th November 

This is to give protected time for training for all our staff.

Urgent care cover will be provided via the 111 service. 

The 111 operators will direct you to the correct medical service for your need. If your call is not urgent, please wait to call us the following morning on 17th November.

Hanborough Pharmacy will remain open as usual.

2 Nov, 2023
18 Aug, 2023
NHS App: A More Secure and Reliable Way to Receive Messages from Your Surgery

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

Please click the link below to download the NHS App.

NHS App | www.nhs.uk

Important Diabetic Medication Information

The NHS is currently facing supply issues with glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs), a range of drugs used for managing blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.


For more information please click this link https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news/our-response-serious-supply-issues-drugs-people-living-type-2-diabetes

The NHS is currently facing supply issues with glucagon-like peptide receptor agonists (GLP-1 RAs), a range of drugs used for managing blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes.


For more information please click this link https://www.diabetes.org.uk/about_us/news/our-response-serious-supply-issues-drugs-people-living-type-2-diabetes

10 Jul, 2023
Embrace Trials

Did you know that E. coli is the most common cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) and bloodstream infection in older adults? 

If you’re 60 years of age or older and have had a UTI in the past two years, this clinical study may be of interest to you. 

To learn more please visit www.EmbraceVaccineStudy.com

Please email our Research Team at: 


Did you know that E. coli is the most common cause of urinary tract infection (UTI) and bloodstream infection in older adults? 

If you’re 60 years of age or older and have had a UTI in the past two years, this clinical study may be of interest to you. 

To learn more please visit www.EmbraceVaccineStudy.com

Please email our Research Team at: 



In response to patient feedback, we will be changing the format of our online consultation form on 19/06/2023 to make it easier and quicker to complete. You can access this new online consultation form on our website in the same way as before, and you will hear back from us within the existing time frame. The form is much simpler to use but please still remember to include as much relevant information as possible to help us triage your request as promptly and accurately as possible. Thank you for you co-operation. 

In response to patient feedback, we will be changing the format of our online consultation form on 19/06/2023 to make it easier and quicker to complete. You can access this new online consultation form on our website in the same way as before, and you will hear back from us within the existing time frame. The form is much simpler to use but please still remember to include as much relevant information as possible to help us triage your request as promptly and accurately as possible. Thank you for you co-operation. 

EMG Tri team’s fundraising for the medical charity at the Blenheim Triathlon

Staff at Eynsham Medical Group have got off our consulting chairs to team together and train for the Blenheim Triathlon on June 3rd and 4th 2023. Our Teams, EMG Veterans [Ian, Melissa, Sarah],  EMG Extremely Mediocre Gang [Emma, Katie, Victoria], and 2 individual athletes [ Emma, Lorenz] are going to power their way through the lakes and grounds of the palace.

Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group is our medical charity that provides services and equipment items for the local population that wouldn't normally be available on the NHS. 

Please support the charity by donating, and do come and support us on the days! 

Donating with Stewardship is really easy and completely secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Thanks for visiting!

Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group’s page | Stewardship



Staff at Eynsham Medical Group have got off our consulting chairs to team together and train for the Blenheim Triathlon on June 3rd and 4th 2023. Our Teams, EMG Veterans [Ian, Melissa, Sarah],  EMG Extremely Mediocre Gang [Emma, Katie, Victoria], and 2 individual athletes [ Emma, Lorenz] are going to power their way through the lakes and grounds of the palace.

Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group is our medical charity that provides services and equipment items for the local population that wouldn't normally be available on the NHS. 

Please support the charity by donating, and do come and support us on the days! 

Donating with Stewardship is really easy and completely secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Thanks for visiting!

Eynsham and Long Hanborough Medical Care Group’s page | Stewardship



BioSURE Study Poster
31 Mar, 2023
New Weight Loss Injections Approved for NHS USE

There has been widespread publicity regarding the recent approval by NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) of weight loss injections for NHS use.

Although the injections have been approved nationally, it is now the task of local health commissioners to set up a service to provide the injections to suitable patients. It is likely that it will be several months before this is established in Oxfordshire, but it is already clear that the injections will only be provided through a specialist service and will not be available for GPs to prescribe. 

We will provide more information here when it becomes available later this year.

There has been widespread publicity regarding the recent approval by NICE (The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) of weight loss injections for NHS use.

Although the injections have been approved nationally, it is now the task of local health commissioners to set up a service to provide the injections to suitable patients. It is likely that it will be several months before this is established in Oxfordshire, but it is already clear that the injections will only be provided through a specialist service and will not be available for GPs to prescribe. 

We will provide more information here when it becomes available later this year.

Upcoming Bank Holidays

Please see dates below for our closures and last date to order prescriptions to be ready prior to each bank holiday.

Anything ordered less than 5 working days prior, will be subject to delay due to the dispensary being closed

DateDay of the weekBank holidayLast date to order
7 AprilFridayGood FridayThursday 30 March
10 AprilMondayEaster Monday Thursday 30 March
1 MayMondayEarly May Bank HolidayFriday 21 April
8 MayMonday


of King Charles III

Friday 27 April
29 MayMondaySpring bank holidayFriday 19th May
28 AugustMondaySummer bank holiday        Friday 18 August
25 DecemberMondayChristmasFriday 15 December
26 DecemberTuesdayBoxing DayFriday 15 December
1 January 2024MondayNew Year's DayWednesday 20 December

Please see dates below for our closures and last date to order prescriptions to be ready prior to each bank holiday.

Anything ordered less than 5 working days prior, will be subject to delay due to the dispensary being closed

DateDay of the weekBank holidayLast date to order
7 AprilFridayGood FridayThursday 30 March
10 AprilMondayEaster Monday Thursday 30 March
1 MayMondayEarly May Bank HolidayFriday 21 April
8 MayMonday


of King Charles III

Friday 27 April
29 MayMondaySpring bank holidayFriday 19th May
28 AugustMondaySummer bank holiday        Friday 18 August
25 DecemberMondayChristmasFriday 15 December
26 DecemberTuesdayBoxing DayFriday 15 December
1 January 2024MondayNew Year's DayWednesday 20 December
12 Jan, 2023
Patients can get our Quarterly Newsletter directly via Email

For any patients who would like to be kept up to date with our quarterly newsletter, we can email this directly to you. Please email bobicb-ox.emgcorrespondence@nhs.net to be added to our mailing list. We will still be offering hard copies at both our sites. Contacting the above email will ensure that you are informed when the hard copies are available on site. 

For any patients who would like to be kept up to date with our quarterly newsletter, we can email this directly to you. Please email bobicb-ox.emgcorrespondence@nhs.net to be added to our mailing list. We will still be offering hard copies at both our sites. Contacting the above email will ensure that you are informed when the hard copies are available on site. 

NHS - Winter Pressures & Cost of Living

We understand that some of our patients may be looking for support during the winter and current cost of living crisis.   

To open the resource pack with further information on support available please click here.

We understand that some of our patients may be looking for support during the winter and current cost of living crisis.   

To open the resource pack with further information on support available please click here.

21 Dec, 2022
Practice has been signed up to the Green Impact for Health Toolkit

Our practice is delighted to be signed up to the Green Impact for Health Toolkit and is actively taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint. The climate emergency is also a health emergency, and health care in the UK contributes 5.4% of the UK's carbon emissions. We need to enhance the health of our current population without compromising the health of future generations, and this means operating within the sustainable boundaries of the planet. Fortunately, most of the solutions for the planet also make our health better - for example eating a mainly plant-based diet, engaging in active travel and exercise in nature, avoiding smoking, reducing pollution etc all enhance our health and reduce our need for medications, with further benefits to the NHS, your health and the carbon footprint of healthcare. Take a look at www.greenerpractice.co.uk to learn more about this. 

Our practice is delighted to be signed up to the Green Impact for Health Toolkit and is actively taking steps to reduce our carbon footprint. The climate emergency is also a health emergency, and health care in the UK contributes 5.4% of the UK's carbon emissions. We need to enhance the health of our current population without compromising the health of future generations, and this means operating within the sustainable boundaries of the planet. Fortunately, most of the solutions for the planet also make our health better - for example eating a mainly plant-based diet, engaging in active travel and exercise in nature, avoiding smoking, reducing pollution etc all enhance our health and reduce our need for medications, with further benefits to the NHS, your health and the carbon footprint of healthcare. Take a look at www.greenerpractice.co.uk to learn more about this. 

Would you like to share your experiences with remote consultations?

Kirstin and Roz from Thrive by Design would like to speak to people who have experience of accessing and attending remote consultations at Eynsham Medical Centre and Long Hanborough Surgery. We are looking to talk to patients as well as caregivers who have supported others to access or attend remote consultations.

For more information please see the poster here.

Please ask reception if you have any questions, or require a printed information sheet. Alternatively, you can contact Kirstin by phone or text: 07572037937 or email: kirstin.blackwell@nhs.net

Kirstin and Roz from Thrive by Design would like to speak to people who have experience of accessing and attending remote consultations at Eynsham Medical Centre and Long Hanborough Surgery. We are looking to talk to patients as well as caregivers who have supported others to access or attend remote consultations.

For more information please see the poster here.

Please ask reception if you have any questions, or require a printed information sheet. Alternatively, you can contact Kirstin by phone or text: 07572037937 or email: kirstin.blackwell@nhs.net

Scammer Alert

We have had a report from one of our patients to say that they received a call stating that their medication was due for delivery the following day and to confirm the details of the debit card to pay with. Luckily, the individual saw straight through the scammers and did not give out any personal information.

We advise you remain vigilant and never give out personal or financial information to any companies or individuals you are suspicious of. 

The number that came up on the caller ID is 020 381 53373.

We have had a report from one of our patients to say that they received a call stating that their medication was due for delivery the following day and to confirm the details of the debit card to pay with. Luckily, the individual saw straight through the scammers and did not give out any personal information.

We advise you remain vigilant and never give out personal or financial information to any companies or individuals you are suspicious of. 

The number that came up on the caller ID is 020 381 53373.

1 Mar, 2022
Want to help us make health and care better in Oxfordshire?

Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent champion for people who use health and social care services throughout the county. We are here to find out what matters to people and help make sure their views shape the services they need. We share these views with those who have the power to make change happen.

If you care about the way health and care services are run, and if you can spare some time to help get the right services to the people who really need them, please think about joining Healthwatch Oxfordshire as a Trustee.

To find out more please click on the following link: 



Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent champion for people who use health and social care services throughout the county. We are here to find out what matters to people and help make sure their views shape the services they need. We share these views with those who have the power to make change happen.

If you care about the way health and care services are run, and if you can spare some time to help get the right services to the people who really need them, please think about joining Healthwatch Oxfordshire as a Trustee.

To find out more please click on the following link: 



COVID Exemption Certificates

We have now received guidance from the Department of Health regarding COVID exemption certificates.

In order to request a COVID exemption certificate, please email occg.emg.vaccine.enquiries@nhs.net and please state clearly which of the following exemptions apply to you.

Please do not call the surgery as you will be directed to send the above email. If it is felt a clinical discussion is needed, one of the GPs will contact you to discuss further.

Please note ONLY patients meeting one of the following criteria will be eligible for a COVID exemption certificate:

  • Receiving end of life care where vaccination is not in the individual’s interests.
  • With learning disabilities or autistic individuals, or with a combination of impairments which result in the same distress, who find vaccination and testing distressing because of their condition and cannot be achieved through reasonable adjustments such as provision of an accessible environment.
  • Those with medical contraindications to the vaccines such as:
  • severe allergy to all Covid-19 vaccines or their constituents (e.g. PEG).
  • those who have had adverse reactions to the first dose (e.g. myocarditis).

We can consider time-limited exemptions in the following case only:

Short term medical conditions: Some individuals may apply for an exemption on the grounds that they have a time-limited medical reason for deferring vaccination (e.g. they are receiving hospital care or receiving medication which may interact with vaccination). 

Pregnant women - The following advice applies specifically to pregnant women:

  • JCVI has therefore advised that women who are pregnant should be offered vaccination at the same time as non-pregnant women, based on their age and clinical risk group.
  • Whilst clinicians should continue to clearly recommend the vaccine for pregnant women (at any gestation), the option of a time-limited exemption to pregnant women who express concerns surrounding the vaccine after counselling can be considered.
  • There are fewer concerns surrounding the safety of the vaccine and breastfeeding so these women would not be considered exempt unless there are alternative indications for exemption.
  • Those who are trying to get pregnant are not eligible for an exemption.
  • We recommend the expiry date for an exemption for pregnant women should be 16 weeks post-partum, in order to allow them to acquire two doses of the vaccine after birth (plus two weeks).

We have now received guidance from the Department of Health regarding COVID exemption certificates.

In order to request a COVID exemption certificate, please email occg.emg.vaccine.enquiries@nhs.net and please state clearly which of the following exemptions apply to you.

Please do not call the surgery as you will be directed to send the above email. If it is felt a clinical discussion is needed, one of the GPs will contact you to discuss further.

Please note ONLY patients meeting one of the following criteria will be eligible for a COVID exemption certificate:

  • Receiving end of life care where vaccination is not in the individual’s interests.
  • With learning disabilities or autistic individuals, or with a combination of impairments which result in the same distress, who find vaccination and testing distressing because of their condition and cannot be achieved through reasonable adjustments such as provision of an accessible environment.
  • Those with medical contraindications to the vaccines such as:
  • severe allergy to all Covid-19 vaccines or their constituents (e.g. PEG).
  • those who have had adverse reactions to the first dose (e.g. myocarditis).

We can consider time-limited exemptions in the following case only:

Short term medical conditions: Some individuals may apply for an exemption on the grounds that they have a time-limited medical reason for deferring vaccination (e.g. they are receiving hospital care or receiving medication which may interact with vaccination). 

Pregnant women - The following advice applies specifically to pregnant women:

  • JCVI has therefore advised that women who are pregnant should be offered vaccination at the same time as non-pregnant women, based on their age and clinical risk group.
  • Whilst clinicians should continue to clearly recommend the vaccine for pregnant women (at any gestation), the option of a time-limited exemption to pregnant women who express concerns surrounding the vaccine after counselling can be considered.
  • There are fewer concerns surrounding the safety of the vaccine and breastfeeding so these women would not be considered exempt unless there are alternative indications for exemption.
  • Those who are trying to get pregnant are not eligible for an exemption.
  • We recommend the expiry date for an exemption for pregnant women should be 16 weeks post-partum, in order to allow them to acquire two doses of the vaccine after birth (plus two weeks).
16 Feb, 2021
8 Feb, 2021
“You Can Run”: beginner’s running group
  • A programme of a weekly run, in a group, for 10 weeks
  • Small groups of up to 12 people, led by a qualified coach
  • No running experience required; starts with walking and builds up
  • gently
  • In Eynsham/surrounding countryside
  • New programmes start every 10 weeks


  • to enjoy running
  • to build confidence in running
  • to achieve a 5k run at the end of the 10 week course
  • to continue running

How to take part

Ready for more?

Parkrun : A free, weekly, timed 5k run or walk

Every Saturday at 9am. Nearest Parkruns:

All abilities and ages welcome

No need to book, just turn up

Register on the Parkrun website to get a personal “barcode” which is scanned when you finish. More info on the Parkrun websites above.

Supported by Eynsham Medical Group staff and patients, as an RCGP Parkrun Practice.

  • A programme of a weekly run, in a group, for 10 weeks
  • Small groups of up to 12 people, led by a qualified coach
  • No running experience required; starts with walking and builds up
  • gently
  • In Eynsham/surrounding countryside
  • New programmes start every 10 weeks


  • to enjoy running
  • to build confidence in running
  • to achieve a 5k run at the end of the 10 week course
  • to continue running

How to take part

Ready for more?

Parkrun : A free, weekly, timed 5k run or walk

Every Saturday at 9am. Nearest Parkruns:

All abilities and ages welcome

No need to book, just turn up

Register on the Parkrun website to get a personal “barcode” which is scanned when you finish. More info on the Parkrun websites above.

Supported by Eynsham Medical Group staff and patients, as an RCGP Parkrun Practice.

National Institute of Health Research and Royal College of General Practitioners practice research award

Eynsham Medical Group has been nationally acclaimed at the Royal College of General Practitioners conference by being awarded the annual  National Institute of Health Research and Royal College of General Practitioners practice research award. 

A joint application was entered with the Windrush Medical Practice in Witney for the research work that the two practices have worked on collaboratively. In the last year, the research work has primarily been on Covid-19 treatments and vaccine studies, but the practices do get involved in a wide range of research. Dr. Ian Binnian, as GP lead on research at Eynsham, received the award jointly with Dr. Nick Thomas from the Windrush Medical Practice. 

The practices employ practice nurses, a research manager and research assistants to specially work on these studies. The practices are very grateful to our patient population who become involved in these studies, and help drive forward the research work which can then translate into future medical treatments and health policies in the UK and globally. 

For further information please click on this link from the National Institute of Health Research:


Eynsham Medical Group has been nationally acclaimed at the Royal College of General Practitioners conference by being awarded the annual  National Institute of Health Research and Royal College of General Practitioners practice research award. 

A joint application was entered with the Windrush Medical Practice in Witney for the research work that the two practices have worked on collaboratively. In the last year, the research work has primarily been on Covid-19 treatments and vaccine studies, but the practices do get involved in a wide range of research. Dr. Ian Binnian, as GP lead on research at Eynsham, received the award jointly with Dr. Nick Thomas from the Windrush Medical Practice. 

The practices employ practice nurses, a research manager and research assistants to specially work on these studies. The practices are very grateful to our patient population who become involved in these studies, and help drive forward the research work which can then translate into future medical treatments and health policies in the UK and globally. 

For further information please click on this link from the National Institute of Health Research:


10 Nov, 2021
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